Saturday, May 24, 2014


In the past couple weeks we have become interested in a young man in China that is aging out in Jan 2014.  We are very interested in him but not sure how it's going to work out because of timing and insurance problems thanks to Obama Care.  So we are going to advocate for him in hopes that someone can give him a home.
Haden - 13 year old, male.
13 year old Haden is a handsome, bright boy who desires a family. Haden is healthy, and developmentally on target for his age. He loves sports and especially track. He enjoys math is described as very friendly! Please email for more information.
Here's a video of him:

Another Fundraiser

My sister-in-law is putting together a Pampered Chef fundraiser for us.  Here's the link to order if you would like to help out.  Thanks in advance!  In case you are wondering it costs $35,000-$40,000 to adopt from China.