Thursday, December 4, 2014

A Story That Only God Could Write

About 4 weeks ago we realized that the young man that we had pursued before Selah still didn't have a family and he's aging out in January.  So we talked to our social worker about how we still felt about him and we were willing to consider bringing home two.  That started a journey of WAITING and answering questions and answering questions again that stretched us so much.  We understand why our agency was slow to approve us for two since this isn't something they normally do and we haven't ever adopted before.  Through this time we came into contact with a family in Utah that was raising money for a family to bring him home which lead us to connecting with her sister too.  These two connections and lots of other family and friends praying for us is what got us through the doubts, wondering of what the agency would say, and wanting to give up because it seemed so hard.  This Tuesday Dec 2 Lifeline said yes and today Dec 4 we received our PA (pre-approval) from Ch*na super fast.  Our last two days have been mountains of paperwork and sending so many expedited things.  We are so happy that the door was closed for this young man earlier because we found our daughter Selah which wouldn't of happened if we said yes to this young mans file back in May.  It will take a miracle to get him before his birthday but know that God is writing this story and we get to set back and watch it happen.  Not that we are literally sitting in case you wondered.  We have bedrooms to move around, paperwork, clothes to gather but know no sizes yet, paperwork, Christmas to think about for our family, probably more paperwork, more grants to fill out since we aren't completely funded yet, and the list goes on and on until my mind hardly will stop to get some sleep.  So we would like to introduce you to our new son who right now we haven't even had time to come up with a name.

His file name is Haden and we may end up naming him that because that is all we have known him as the last 8 months.  I really don't like asking for money but if you would like to help bring home our to children I'm going to share a link that where you can donate.

There are not enough words to even express this amazing experience so far and the community of people behind us.  Thank you for all you have done or are doing to help bring home our children.

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