Sunday, February 1, 2015

Last China Post

Friday we spent on the island again doing some souvenir shopping and enjoying a slower pace.  Saturday we adventure out starting with a metro ride to the Chimelong Safari and Circus.  We would recommend the circus to everyone who visits Ch*na.  You see things there you wouldn't see in the US.  On one act I had to close my eyes because you know it only takes one slip. There wasn't safety nets for most of the acts.  It was a huge day with lots of people which created a good day for Selah to bond with us by holding our hands in the crowds of pushing people.  We walked over 8 miles and Selah kept right up with us the whole time.  Sleep was sweet for all of us that night.   Sunday we attended church on Shamian Island.  Lots of things I want to say about that experience but not sure if it's safe to post.  Our hearts go out to these people and their desire to know more but yet it's so controlled.  Today is the day we have worked for over a year and been waiting on for three weeks....consulate appointment.  While on the way there our guide was sharing with us some problems with some of the different dates on some of our notary documents and what we could expect during the appointment because of those issues.  We have a very different case because Shane isn't an abandon child since he turned himself into the police station after living on his own for several months at the age of nine.  Someday we hope he can share more details about that time with us.  Our appointment couldn't have went better or faster.  Tomorrow we will pick up S & S's passports And then we are on the count down to Wednesday morning with our 12:00pm flight from Hong Kong.  Shane is so ready to leave to come to America.  We are thankful for that!  He seems to be cutting ties with China very fast.  I have no idea if that's a good or bad thing.  I'm ready to get back in country so I can communicate with the Lifeline post adoption team.  I have so many questions.

It's a bittersweet post to write.  While we are so ready to be home and be all together again we are also leaving behind two of our children's culture and all they have ever known.  I think that we will forever have a piece of our hearts here with these people even though we don't understand their culture and haven't learned love their food or sanitary conditions.  Something tells me we will be
back again someday since we have two Chinese children or maybe to bring home more.  Only God knows that.  Right now we say no.  We are so grateful that God called us to this place and to this time to complete something He set in motion long ago.  We know we have hard days ahead.  There have been hard days here and God has been faithful to see us through them so we know we can trust Him for those days ahead.   It doesn't seem real to be writing the final post.  Thank you for all your prayers, support, encouragement, food, clothing, and the list goes on.  These children are not just ours but yours too.  You helped bring them home!


  1. A blessing to be granted to share with you: your vision, your hearts, your posts- God's Love and plan!
    He will continue faithful: His Love never fails!!

  2. I hope the consulate appointment goes well and that you have safe travels home!

  3. Aaaaaah. So amazing to see how God works everything out! Praising Him together with you! Wish we could be at the airport to greet you, but that will have to wait until another time. :)
