Friday, January 16, 2015


Yesterday we went to the park which is a beautiful place.  Shane Lin helped us figure out how to go for a paddle boat ride around the pond.  About half way through the ride he started shutting down so we soon headed back to the hotel where he zoned out for awhile with TV in his language.  Last night a sweet guide Lily took us out for dinner at an American place and even bought the dinner for us.  She broke down and cried I think probably because most people don't want to adopt older children and she has worked so hard to make this all happen for Shane and seen so many miracles in the process.  Today is Shane 14th birthday.  We have a cake coming soon and will celebrate in a small way to not overwhelm him any more.  He was able to call his foster mom this morning who he is missing really bad.  He is grieving a lot today.  Then after lunch we are checking out to fly to Hefei for a week to pick up Selah on Monday and do all the paperwork up there.  We will then return to Guangzhou for the rest of the process.  We don't know what our internet situation will be like up there but will keep you posted if we can.  We was able to Skype with our Washington kids today for the first since we were having problems getting everything to work.  That was so nice to see and hear their voices and see that everything is going good there like I knew it would be.

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