Thursday, January 1, 2015


Yesterday we found out that our I800 are still waiting on clearance from our officer in Missouri who hasn't been in all week.  Kind of beginning to believe that she must be on vacation.  So we have moved on to plan B for travel which is a Jan 12 gotcha day for Shane if all goes well.  If no then it will be plan C which will be traveling the day before his birthday.  I don't even want to talk about plan D because that would mean that we wouldn't be there in time to bring him home.  At this point Lifeline doesn't have any reason to believe that we wont be there in time.  Yesterday we were advised to be sitting on go.  How do you be ready to travel in 24 hours at all times with a family of seven?  This morning Lily Crist, who advocated for Shane, sent us an email that Shane had sent to her.

This message was just what we needed this morning when you start to wonder if you are doing the right thing in removing a young man from everything he has known.  I'm saving this because we may need to reread this over and over in the next few weeks.  So while we wait we are going to have the opportunity to meet with some people who live in Ch*na and are visiting the states, get our carpets stretched and cleaned (crazy to do this I know but it doesn't look any easier after we get home), start building a table for 9+, and enjoy some relaxing family time.  Happy New Year to each one!!

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