Friday, January 9, 2015

Moving Mountains

So much has happened in the last 24 hours!  The National Visa Center today, after many hours of waiting on the phone and receiving literality 100's of busy phone signals, finally released a pfd for us so we could start filling out another form to get visas for Shane and Selah.  Another huge praise is the US consulate office in China said things are okay to proceed with adopting Shane.  We have no idea if they found their answers or not but are looking at it as a green light.  It has been crazy around here with Andrew deciding to build a table and built in benches since he had a little time.  He works best at the 11th hour unlike me.  So now I have piles to pack, lists to complete, saw dust, and drilling noises all over the house.  We will try to do our best to update our blog while in country but if not the girls will be taking over.  This blog is a place for a timeline of events and happenings that we can later share with Shane and Selah so if you are looking for something far out then you will have to find it on another blog.  Never had any desire to be a blogger!!!

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