Sunday, January 18, 2015


Last night we arrived to Selah's provincial city Hefei.  It's an industrial city of 5 million people.  We walked around this morning and came back with burning throats and headaches.  Smog is really bad. How do these people live in this?  Fresh air will not be taken for granted again!  There is little English signs in this city and no one is fluent at our hotel.  So our day has been stuck in our hotel room because of the smog and no way to communicate what we want out there with a son who can't communicate with us and who doesn't want to do anything because it's all new.  No new games, no swimming pool, no city walks, no interaction with us, and no smiles.  You can say it's been a hard day for all of us!  Today it's also soaking in that we are going to be in China for longer than expected due to paperwork for Shane and we are missing our kids in America.  Tomorrow morning is gotcha day for Selah Grace Ruihe.  So the next 3 days will be busy with paperwork.  Then Thursday or Friday we hope to visit her orphanage.  Saturday we will fly back to Guangzhou to finish the rest of our time.  There isn't much sight seeing to do here besides a museum and walking the city which is so interesting.  Sweet potatoe vendors carts, deep fried chicken feet, and lots of other food we don't reckonize.  Hopefully my daughter can post pictures to the blog later to share with you some of what we are seeing.   Overall it's been a great time so far.

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